«First of all, it is worth taking care of municipality residents’ welfare and jointly forming «the development agenda», - Vyacheslav Nehoda

For municipalities to become financially capable, it is worth taking care of municipality residents’ welfare and jointly forming «the development agenda». It was emphasized by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda in his interview for OTG-Inform Chernihivshchyna.

«Municipality financial capability is budget resources, first of all, own incomes for the municipality to use freely for its own benefit. How to improve it? Of course, it can be done via a taxation basis increase, resulting from the economic development, which is impossible without the most important thing – people. People are the most valuable municipality asset. They are its intellectual and labour resource. It is difficult to attract an investor for them to start production in the municipality if the investor has to think of qualified employees for the enterprise. The municipalities, having realized it, have started implementing programmes, enabling people not to leave their homes in search for jobs. Thus, returning to the issue of municipalities’ increasing their financial capability, it is worth taking care of municipality residents’ welfare and jointly forming «the development agenda». The agenda should stipulate  how a municipality can contribute to local entrepreneurship growth, how to use land resources more efficiently, how to take advantage of its uniqueness as each municipality has its highlights», - said the Deputy Minister.

07.12.2021 - 15:12 | Views: 3318
«First of all, it is worth taking care of municipality residents’ welfare and jointly forming «the development agenda», - Vyacheslav Nehoda


V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas


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