WOW-municipalities: municipality representatives are welcome to Lviv idea residence

The WOW-municipalities all-Ukrainian project has been announced in Lviv. Three idea residences for municipalities: «Communication. As one can’t do without it», «Business. Investment. International cooperation», «Medicine in a municipality». Will take place within the project in November-December.

The idea residence is aimed at those in need of raising their heads and looking around, being inspired with colleagues’ experience and considering their own brave perspectives. Each of them involves two days of workshops, trainings, location meetings for local self-government experts.

«I was elected the head of the Chamber of Municipalities of the Regional Authorities Congress of Ukraine and it became an impetus for me to share Lviv’s successful experience. A lot of people wonder how these or those things have been successfully implemented in Lviv. Why has it become possible? It is simplicity itself — wonders do not occur, they must be worked over. That is why, WOW is work on wonders», — says the Lviv mayor, the head of the Chamber of Municipalities, Andriy Sadovyi.

22.11.2021 - 12:53 | Views: 3941

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study amalgamation of hromadas


Львівська область


Львівська територіальна громада


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