The MinRegion will improve the legislation the population self-organisation bodies are guided by. Those concerned support it

In new municipalities the population self-organisation bodies, delegated with separate powers, are often established. It is a way for municipality residents to actively participate in the municipality life jointly with the local authorities, to initiate the necessary decisions, implement small projects. The most important thing is that such population self-organisation assists in keeping the territory tidy, respond to the needs and solve urgent issues.

According to the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, such a practice must be spread among municipalities. The first thing for the Ministry to do is to improve the Law On Population Self-Organisation Bodies.

The Ministry has already drafted the legislation amendments and suggests all those concerned getting acquainted with the amendments.

24.09.2021 - 16:06 | Views: 4612
The MinRegion will improve the legislation the population self-organisation bodies are guided by. Those concerned support it

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participation of citizens law V.Nehoda


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