Supporting municipalities in cycling infrastructure development: a programme by U-LEAD is starting

The U-LEAD with Europe programme will select 12 municipalities from six oblasts of Ukraine to be trained and supported in cycling infrastructure development.

It is an opportunity for municipalities to develop own cycling scheme and development programme, supported by an experienced specialist, working within a work group of experience exchange as well as with colleagues from other municipalities. Moreover, municipalities will be able to develop own cycling development projects to be supported by the U-LEAD with Europe programme.

12 municipalities, with the population not exceeding 50 thousand residents, will be selected for the programme participation. Municipalities from the Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv, Zakarpattia, Volyn, Rivne and Ternopil oblasts.

All the programme events will be online and free of charge, occurring from November, 2021 till April, 2022.

To take part in the selection it is necessary to fill in a form and send it by 6 P.M. September, 24, 2021, to the email address of:

13.09.2021 - 09:19 | Views: 5606
Supporting municipalities in cycling infrastructure development: a programme by U-LEAD is starting

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