The Government has redistributed subventions for local budgets, aimed at improving the infrastructure

The Government has approved a set of projects, targeted to supporting regions, particularly, to redistributing and using subventions to restore the infrastructure in the east of Ukraine, to maintain the school meals reform and to develop the communal infrastructure. Prime-Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal highlighted the projects at the meeting on August, 11.

According to the head of the Government, subventions will be redistributed within the Extraordinary Loan Programme for the purpose of restoring Ukraine. The project aimed at quality restoration of the municipality infrastructure in the east of Ukraine, having been most damaged by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The fund redistribution will make it possible to fulfil 170 projects, targeted to restoring health care, education, culture, sport establishments, as well as public centres and ASCs.

13.08.2021 - 11:21 | Views: 5244
The Government has redistributed subventions for local budgets, aimed at improving the infrastructure


infrastructure budget


Урядовий портал

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