Individual income tax payment vehicle and other municipality budget issues: Vyacheslav Nehoda commented propositions by the MinRegion

The MinRegion has submitted the Taxation Code amendment draft for the Government to consider. With the draft the ministry suggests changing the Individual income tax payment vehicle next budget year.

It was claimed by the Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine during the press conference at the Ukraine 30. Decentralisation All-Ukrainian Forum.

«The MinRegion proposes the Government a less controversial although also complicated payment vehicle - individual income tax payment by separated divisions at the place of their actual placement, rather than the central office registration place as it is the case now. Such an approach seems to be fairer for the municipalities where the enterprise functions. That is why we hope for the support of the Cabinet of Ministers», - said Vyacheslav Nehoda.

28.07.2021 - 14:29 | Views: 5996
Individual income tax payment vehicle and other municipality budget issues: Vyacheslav Nehoda commented propositions by the MinRegion

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budget V.Nehoda


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28.07.2021 - 18:42
If I understand this correctly with regard to the payment of the PIT, it will be made to the community in which the business operates in its economic activity. Therefore, the PIT will be paid where the person is employed and not the person's place of residence. This is a more fair approach to taxation as it conforms to the benefit received principle of taxation. The taxpayer whose employment income will go to the place of employment will be taxes through the property tax in the place where they live. This complies with the international practice in which employment income should be taxed in the location where the employment income is earned.
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