Each municipality can get up to UAH 2 million from the state for the social services development within a pilot project

The Government has simplified the conditions of municipalitiesparticipation in the pilot projectSocial services development”. Each municipality, participating in the project, will get up to UAH 2 million from the state for social services development. The resolution has been passed at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine today.

“Key social services must be available at a person’s place of residence – in the municipality. We understand that locally there is a lack of qualified specialists and resources to create quality social services, that is why conditions of the competition participation have been simplified for each municipality to have an opportunity to get the public aid for the social services development”, - claimed the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Maryna Lazebna.

21.07.2021 - 14:47 | Views: 11534
Each municipality can get up to UAH 2 million from the state for the social services development within a pilot project


social services budget


Урядовий портал

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