Journalists of the Suspilne will work in municipalities – the broadcaster has started developing a network

The Public broadcaster is getting ready to develop a hyperlocal network of flexible reporters who will work at the municipality level. The Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv oblasts will be pilot ones in the project, realized with support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ukraine.

«Own network of journalists in municipalities is not just a matter of report production, but of new relations between municipalities creation in regions, an opportunity to highlight what is vital for the locals and, what is the most important thing, being heard on time. We at the Suspilne are sure that the project development will contribute to the local media environment and facilitate the civil society consolidation and development», — claimed the general producer of the Susрilne regional broadcasting Maria Frey.

21.07.2021 - 13:21 | Views: 3759
Journalists of the Suspilne will work in municipalities – the broadcaster has started developing a network




UA: Чернігів

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