Municipalities are using an intermunicipal cooperation tool more often

The MinRegion has registered an intermunicipal cooperation agreement in the health care sphere between two municipalities of the Zakarpattia oblast – the Onokivska and Uzhgorodska municipalities.

The cooperation form chosen by the municipalities is delegating powers in the health care sphere. Thus, the Onokivska municipality won’t have to create its own center of primary healthcare as, under the municipalities’ cooperation agreement, it delegated part of its powers to the Uzhgorodska municipalities.

The Uzhgorodska town council will employ doctors to provide health care services while the Onokivska town council will maintain the dispensary financially and technically. The rural municipality residents won’t have to go to Uzhgorod as health care services will be provided where they reside.


21.07.2021 - 12:42 | Views: 5575
Municipalities are using an intermunicipal cooperation tool more often


cooperation healthcare


Закарпатська область


Оноківська територіальна громада Ужгородська територіальна громада


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