The Committee of the Verkhovna Rada is introducing an innovative tool of consultations with local self-government bodies

On July, 14 the start of the e-platform Consultations with local self-government bodies was announced at the meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state authority reorganisation, local self-government, regional and urban development.

The platform Consultations with local self-government bodies is first of all an opportunity of efficient online-surveys of local self-government representatives about the bills causing debates. Registered local self-government representatives can participate in a survey both via the platform itself and a chat-bot.

The survey will be preceded by an expert discussion of debating points for municipality heads to participate, alongside with deputies-Committee members, representatives of the MinRegion, all-Ukrainian Associations of Local Self-Government Bodies, experts. A forum has been created for expert discussions at the platform, and – what is really important – local self-government representatives will be able not only to discuss the issues, suggested for the survey but also to initiate the discussion of topics they consider to be significant for taking into account in the Committee work.

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