Powers of oblast state administrations and rayon state administrations: bill №4298 is ready for consideration in the second reading (+infographics)

On July, 14, 2021 the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state authority reorganisation, local self-government, regional and urban development recommended the Parliament to adopt in its second reading and as a whole bill On Amending the Law of Ukraine On Local State Administrations and Some Other Regulations of Ukraine on Reforming the Territorial Arrangement of the Executive Power in Ukraine №4298.

Within the incumbent Constitution the bill structures the powers of local state administrations. In particular, it envisages that local state administrations perform three main functions: coordinate the activity of territorial divisions of central executive authorities, ensure legitimacy on the territory and perform the functions of the executive body of oblast state administrations and rayon state administrations prior to the amendments to the Constitution.


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