Issues of concern related to land resources regulation and municipalities boundaries establishment have been discussed at the MinRegion

The issues of land plots transfer to municipalities and municipalities boundaries establishment have been discussed by participants of the meeting, headed by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, with the Council of the National Security and Defense, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, StateGeoCadastre and experts

  1. "Ukraine is experiencing land resources improvement at the local level and the municipality further development depends on municipalities themselves. While capable municipalities are being established, an urgent issue is land as it is the main resource, working for the benefit of each municipality. That is why it is important to ensure performance of the tasks, defined by the Council of the National Security and Defense decision of April, 15 on agricultural land plots transfer from the public to the communal ownership and municipalities boundaries establishment», – stated Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
15.06.2021 - 20:48 | Views: 5860
Issues of concern related to land resources regulation and municipalities boundaries establishment have been discussed at the MinRegion


land V.Nehoda



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27.06.2021 - 10:28
указом президента створено ВЦА. Станом на 27.06.2021 року голову ВЦА не призначено. Ради , які входять до цієї ВЦА виконують свої повноваження, але без власного бюджету, чи мають право ці сільські ради виділяти земельні ділянки у власніст, якщо вони не ОТГ?
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