165 municipalities will obtain financial aid from the state for ASC development

The Government has approved of the division of the UAH 231 million subvention from the state budget for local budgets, aimed at Diya Centres network development. It will provide 5 million Ukrainians with the modern state service.

The list of municipalities to obtain the financial aid can be seen at the dashboard https://tabsoft.co/3xdydjz.

“One of the main aims of the Ministry for Digital Transformation is to bring services as close as possible and accessible for people. We are actively developing the network of upgraded ASCs all over the country. For it, for the first time in Ukraine, the targeted financial state support has been introduced for the purpose of Diya Centres development. So, Ukrainians will be able to get state services near their house”, - claimed the Viceprime-Minister – Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov.

11.06.2021 - 13:14 | Views: 4385
165 municipalities will obtain financial aid from the state for ASC development


Administrative services


Міністерство цифрової трансформації

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