Municipalities are being selected for the competition «Firefighters. Civil protection improvement at the local level in Ukraine»

Within the U-LEAD with Europe Programme the International Solidarity Foundation, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, announces the competition, selecting municipalities to participate in a three-year project «Firefighters. Civil protection improvement at the local level in Ukraine».

The project is aimed at supporting the civil protection system in Ukrainian municipalities, particularly, via forming voluntary fire brigades, assisting municipalities in developing the programme for local security improvement and educational visits of municipality representatives, general administrations of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine in the appropriate spheres for the purpose of studying the Polish experience.

To take part in the competition, potential applicants should fill in a registration form at: by July, 15, 2021.

N.B.: The municipalities, willing to participate in the competition, are welcome to take part in an online explanatory session on June, 18, 2021 (Friday) at 11.00. To register for it, please, fill in the form at:

09.06.2021 - 14:39 | Views: 13047
Municipalities are being selected for the competition «Firefighters. Civil protection improvement at the local level in Ukraine»


safety fire safety competition


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