How oblasts and rayons should cooperate with municipalities under the new conditions, - Vyacheslav Nehoda’s comments

Not everyone in oblast, rayon councils and administrations has understood how and what relations should be established with municipalities under the new conditions. The best option is support and partnership.

It was emphasized by Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda at the meeting of joint commission of the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast council on issues of deputies’ activity, local self-government, inter-regional and international cooperation and the Agency of the Carpathian region Municipalities».

«Out of date methods can still be observed at the oblast and rayon levels, namely, efforts to guide the heads and municipality deputies, to assign them with tasks, order and control them. But it is worth understanding that the time of building verticals in Ukraine has passed, with decentarlisation having started. This year, with all municipalities having become equal in rights and opportunities, having obtained considerable authorities and resources, rayon, oblast councils and administrations should focus on assisting municipalities, establishing partnership relations with them», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda.


amalgamation of hromadas V.Nehoda


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