Publicity of hromadas capability markers will contribute to the territories development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

Each hromada resident, local deputy, local council member, executive power local body and government structure representative must be able to see the hromada functioning outcomes as only relying upon clear and comprehensible data, it is possible to make grounded management decisions on territories development, make a conscious choice at the local elections and monitor the elected ones’ activity results. That is the reason for the MinRegion to have created the portal of hromadas’ capability, supported by experts.

It was highlighted by the Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda during the Forum, entitled «Decentralisation and its realia in the newly formed hromadas», held today in the town of Pervomaysk of the Mykolaiv oblast.

«The portal is also necessary for a hromada to see itself among the others and for the others to see the hromada because, as a rule, in successful hromadas there is a good site, there are all figures and data, there is communication with the residents. Where as in hromadas where not everything is so good or something is hidden, sometimes there is not a descent site, to say nothing about qualitative and comprehensible development markers. How can residents make decisions about the local authorities’ efficiency? Should they believe the local politicians? Of course, they can but it is much more reliable to focus on the concrete information, while voting at the local elections, or demanding results from the local authorities», - stated Vyacheslav Nehoda.

25.05.2021 - 15:13 | Views: 5820
Publicity of hromadas capability markers will contribute to the territories development, - Vyacheslav Nehoda


otsinka efektyvnosti hromad amalgamation of hromadas V.Nehoda


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