With integrity to success: how to build a business-friendly municipality – online forum of U-LEAD and EUACI

The event is going to take place on May 18, 2021. U-LEAD with Europe and the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative jointly organise this forum connecting the topics of transparency, accountability and local development in municipalities.

Accountability, transparency and corruption prevention eliminate burdens for business operations and are highly relevant at the local level. They are key factors in attracting investors to municipalities, increase tax revenues and ultimately contribute to a prosperous and sustainable economic development in municipalities.

The objective of the forum is to enable the transfer of know-how and best practices through an online exchange between heads of municipalities and experts working in the field of anti-corruption and local development.

To learn from the rich experience of Danish municipalities in building the framework for business-friendly relationships, John Brædder, mayor of Danish municipality Guldborgsund will be the keynote speaker of the forum.

In a panel discussion, Ukrainian practitioners will share their experiences and action plans towards improving the conditions for economic development. The participants of the discussion will be:

  • Andriy Zalivskyi, Chervonohrad city mayor
  • Taras Khavunka, Head of Lviv Regulatory Hub, Chernovohrad city mayor adviser
  • Andriy Silych, Vuhledar city mayor
  • State Regulatory Service representative (TBC)

Step right up - send your email to iuliia.soroka@giz.de 

14.05.2021 - 16:42 | Views: 4101

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