How hromadas can arrange cooperation with mass media – the topic of discussion in the Odesa oblast

The Odesa regional office of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme has held an information session «Local Self-Government Bodies and Mass Media: A Productive Dialogue Arrangement».

Hromadas of the Odesa oblast will be able to improve their information cooperation with the oblast and central mass media if they pay attention to such new formats as radio programmes, arrange relations with specialized information resources or bloggers, and make their contact details accessible for reporters. It was covered during the information session «Local Self-Government Bodies and Mass Media: A Productive Dialogue Arrangement», organized for the first time in the oblast and conducted by the Odesa regional office of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

08.04.2021 - 17:17 | Views: 3828
How hromadas can arrange cooperation with mass media – the topic of discussion in the Odesa oblast




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