Andriy Yermak: the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities will become a tool to represent local authorities’ interests at the central level

According to Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, being established on the initiative of President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, following the suit of the Council of Europe Congress, will start representing Ukrainians’ interests.

«In 2021 the decentralization reform is successfully building up to its climax. Correction of the functions of state administrations, rayon and oblast councils is before us. The new administrative and territorial arrangement of the country, a new phase of the decentralization reform demand a new tool of representing interests of local and regional authorities at the central level", - said he during the meeting of the Council of Hromadas and Territories Development.

25.02.2021 - 16:26 | Views: 6169
Andriy Yermak: the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities will become a tool to represent local authorities’ interests at the central level


amalgamation of hromadas regional development


Офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України

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