Informing and involving population in the work of public institutions as exemplified by ASCs

Almost 100 ASC and local self-government employees have participated in the online-training, dedicated to informing and involving population in the work of ASCs.

Special attention was paid to hands-on tools and steps to assist ASCs and local self-government bodies in arranging communication with residents and involving them in decision making at hromadas.

Contributing to all population strata equal access to services, local self-government bodies improve the efficiency of implementing their policies and programmes, whereas residents start participating more actively in the hromada public life and favourable and safe environment creation for further development.

The webinar can be watched at the Decentralisation Facebook page.

02.02.2021 - 16:24 | Views: 4342
Informing and involving population in the work of public institutions as exemplified by ASCs


Administrative services komunikatsii


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