The DOBRE Programme invites hromadas to participate in a pilot project of monitoring and assessment

Systems of monitoring and assessment are an efficient strategy, aimed at improving the efficiency, responsibility and transparency of new local administrations for all citizens, whose priority is governance improvement and services provision.

The pilot project of monitoring and assessment will be fulfilled in 10 selected territorial hromadas from all over Ukraine, willing to participate in it. The project essence is to develop assessment criteria – indicators, based on some priority services and data on the services gathered in hromadas.

The project will last approximately 4 months.

For an efficient system of monitoring and assessment you are kindly asked to fill in a questionnaire by February, 11, 2021.

02.02.2021 - 14:42 | Views: 5139
The DOBRE Programme invites hromadas to participate in a pilot project of monitoring and assessment




Український кризовий медіа-центр

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