65% of social facilities have been transferred to hromada communal ownership – data by the MinRegion

The process of the property transfer from the rayon level to the communal ownership of territorial hromadas is going on in the regions. The MinRegion is monitoring the process. Totally it has been decided for territorial hromadas to carry as an asset of 65% of facilities. These are 16 546 facilities out of 25 274, that have to be transferred to the territorial hromada ownership.

Having carried these facilities as an asset, territorial hromadas are able to manage and maintain them from their own budget.

«Within the decentralization reform there have occurred changes of the administrative and territorial arrangement, thus, the inter–budget relation system and social facilities of the communal ownership funding are changing. That is why property transfer to territorial hromadas has to procede quickly and under a thorough control as it is necessary to preserve the network of socially vital facilities – schools, hospitals, sport and culture establishments and to ensure their flawless operation», – emphasizes the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov.

12.01.2021 - 12:16 | Views: 4849
65% of social facilities have been transferred to hromada communal ownership – data by the MinRegion


maino Oleksii Chernyshov



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