Transferring common property civil right objects of rayon villages, settlement and towns to the hromadas proprietorship: questions and answers

Experts of the Decentralisation Reform Support Office at the MinRegion Vira Kozina and Iryna Bakunchyk have prepared answers to questions concerning the transfer of civil rights objects from the common proprietorship of territorial hromadas of rayon villages, settlements and towns to the proprietorship of the territorial hromada the territory of which has been approved of by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

The publication also represents some recommendations and document samples on transferring civil rights objects to the proprietorship of territorial hromadas, the territory of which has been approved of by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 12.06.2020, according to the incumbent legislation as of December, 2020.

25.12.2020 - 12:33 | Views: 21090
Transferring common property civil right objects of rayon villages, settlement and towns to the hromadas proprietorship: questions and answers

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Vira Kozina maino


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