Without Constitution amendments decentralisation will be permanently vulnerable - Vyacheslav Nehoda

The biggest challenge for the local self-government and power territorial arrangement reform is its completion. One can continue amending the legislation, establishing a modern government system in the country, but with the amendments failing to be captured in the Constitution, the dcentralisation results will be under a constant threat.

It was underlined by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the fifth forum « Efficient Local Self-Government as a Pillar of a Democratic and Law-governed State», being held on December, 9-10.

«We have established the basis for the development of an up-to-date system of the power territorial arrangement – new hromadas and rayons. Now we have to do a more complicated task – to differentiate authorities, resources and responsibility in compliance with the European Charter for Local Self-Government. Whether we are willing it or not, without Constitution amendments we will not be able to do it to a full extent. We’ll go on facing legal risks, we’ll fail to completely balance the system and to get rid of the soviet times heritage – out-of-date elements», - claims Vyacheslav Nehoda.

Attached images:


V.Nehoda Constitution


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