Announcement: December, 8 – online-conference «2020-2021Accomplishments and Challenges in the Sphere of Administrative Services»

On December, 8 at 9:30 online-conference «2020-2021Accomplishments and Challenges in the Sphere of Administrative Services» will start. The event has been organized by the U-LEAD with Europe team, working over administrative services provision enhancement.

The online-conference will be focused on discussing the legislation, best practices, documents and policy in the sphere of administrative services by representatives of government agencies, international projects, newly-elected hromada heads, ASC authorities, as well as forming a political agenda in the sphere of administrative services in 2021.

The event will be held on Zoom. Registration is open until 12:00, December, 7 at

30.11.2020 - 19:39 | Views: 6822
Announcement: December, 8 – online-conference «2020-2021Accomplishments and Challenges in the Sphere of Administrative Services»

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announcement Administrative services


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