There has been registered bill №4382 on ensuring citizens’ right to access to the state civil registration

Bill On Amending some Laws of Ukraine on Ensuring Citizens’ Right to Access to the State Civil Registration in relation with territorial hromadas consolidation (№4382) has been registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

The bill has to provide all the territorial hromadas with equal powers in the sphere of the state civil registration and to assist in preserving the state civil registration services available at the starosta districts (particularly, in the former village councils, having joined the consolidated territorial hromadas, based on ex-cities of oblast significance). The bill will also make it possible to simplify the services integration to urban ASCs, as well as to ensure the urgent provision of such services both in the ASCs and in remote working places.

18.11.2020 - 10:42 | Views: 10408
There has been registered bill №4382 on ensuring citizens’ right to access to the state civil registration


Administrative services


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