Announcement: presentation of the manual «How to establish a corruption-free ASC»

On November, 27, 2020 from 10:00 till 12:00 there will be an online-conference «Counteracting Corruption Locally», during which a manual «How to establish a corruption-free ASC» by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme will be presented.

The manual, developed by the leading Ukrainian and Swedish experts in the sphere of counteracting corruption and enhancing the quality of administrative services provision, contains a collection of practical tips and recommendations on transparency and corruption risks prevention at all stages of ASC establishment and functioning.

The event registration is obligatory and open by 18:00 of November, 25, 2020 at:

17.11.2020 - 17:04 | Views: 7752
Announcement: presentation of the manual «How to establish a corruption-free ASC»


announcement anti-corruption Administrative services


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