Genuine decentralisation will occur only when the local authorities get the maximum opportunities to develop their territories, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

It is too early to claim that decentralization in Ukraine has been successfully completed. We have taken a complicated step – a new administrative and territorial arrangement on the level of hromadas and rayons has been created and the local elections have been held on its basis. Only now all the necessary preconditions have been created for genuine decentralization to take place with the new hromadas obtaining the maximum powers and resources, with the hromada heads and local council deputies working to ensure hromadas sustainable development. To arrange the system, the state authorities have to quickly pass a set of important enactments, particularly bill №3651-d, which is currently being prepared for its second reading, as well as new wordings of laws on the local self-government and local state administrations (№4298).

It was highlighted by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the online-meeting of the Work group of the Verkhovna Rada Power Decentralisation Implementation Committee.

11.11.2020 - 16:03 | Views: 11871
Genuine decentralisation will occur only when the local authorities get the maximum opportunities to develop their territories, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

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11.11.2020 - 18:52
негода вже зробив централізацію, рівень послуг, якість послуг практично в усіх громадах понизився, багато людей, причом професіоналів місцевого самоврядування, будуть звільнені з роботи, закриються клуби, бібліотеки, багато лікарень також закриються...буде хаос по селах, так само із новим законом, деякі його положення суперечать здоровому глузду
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