The conclusion concerning the bill on Kyiv made by the Council of Europe

In response to the enquiry by the head of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the state power organization, local self-government, regional and urban development, the Council of Europe prepared a conclusion about the draft of the Law of Ukraine On the City of Kyiv – the Capital of Ukraine (#2143-3) of September, 25, 2020.

The document was compiled by the Centre of the Proper Governing Expertise of the Directorate General of Democracy – II of the Council of Europe within the programme «Decentralisation and Reform of the Local Self-Government in Ukraine».

The conclusion considers consistency of the bill text to the European Charter of Local Self-Government (hereinafter – the Charter), recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the best practices of other European countries. Although the conclusion does not contain a constitutional analysis, it draws attention to the need to make certain of the bill correspondence to the Constitution.

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