Oleksii Chernyshov met with the President and the Secretary General of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

Minister for Communities and Territories Development Oleksii Chernyshov met with President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe Leandert Verbeck and Secretary General of the Congress Andreas Kiefer.

In particular, they discussed with Leandert Verbeck the development of productive cooperation between the municipalities of Ukraine and Europe by expanding twinning relations, announced Oleksii Chernyshov on his Facebook page.

"Ukraine will be consistent in implementing the tasks of the final stage of reforming local self-government and decentralization of power. The mechanisms of cooperation between citizens, local and state authorities and international partners in the reconstruction of Ukraine were raised. Our goal is to prepare the ground for quality and rapid cooperation at all levels. We stressed the importance of developing and approving an analogue of the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Ukraine. We must create a network of horizontal ties in Europe and work together to protect freedom and democracy," said Oleksii Chernyshov.

In turn, the Minister Oleksii Chernyshov discussed with Andreas Kiefer the prospects of expanding cooperation with international partners at the level of municipalities of the Council of Europe member states. In particular, the Minister thanked for the offer to help with professionals in the field of urban planning, as one of the vectors of reconstruction of Ukraine.

"I am grateful for the support of the Cities4Cities initiative. I very much appreciate the Secretary General's focus on cooperation at the city level, which will help unite those in need with those who are ready to help," Oleksii Chernyshov said in his post.

The Minister Oleksii Chernyshov also stressed the importance for Ukraine to acquire the status of an EU membership candidate in late June. Ukrainians need this decision as soon as possible.

It should be noted that the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe is an advisory body representing the interests of the local and regional authorities of the 47 member states of the Council of Europe. The priorities of the Congress are to protect the interests of local and regional authorities, ensure their participation in European integration processes, monitor the compliance of Council of Europe member states with the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government as well as monitor local and regional elections in these countries.


Oleksii Chernyshov Council of Europe



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