September, 24, 2020 is the last day of nominating candidates for the local deputies and the hromada head

Olena Boyko, a candidate of sciences in the state administration, an expert of the DESPRO Project, has reminded that the day after tomorrow, September, 24, 2020 is the last day to nominate candidates for deputies, village, settlement and town heads (article 11, parts 1 – 3 of article 216 of the Election Code) and the last day to submit documents to the appropriate territorial election commission for the purpose of registering candidates for deputies, village, settlement and town heads (part 2 of article 227, part 2 of article 228, part 2 of article 229 of the Election Code).

22.09.2020 - 15:37 | Views: 32115
September, 24, 2020 is the last day of nominating candidates for the local deputies and the hromada head


elections Olena Boyko


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