International partners urge the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider the bills necessary for decentralisation

In the joint letter addressed to the head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine international partners called for considering the bills necessary for the local self-government reform continuation.

«In 2014 an ambitious decentralisation reform was initiated in Ukraine, aimed at strengthening the democratic arrangement and authorities accountability, citizens’ involvement increase, state services quality enhancement and economic development facilitation. As international partners of Ukraine, we highly appreciate the reform and the considerable progress made in its implementation, particularly, the completion of hromadas amalgamation and new territorial arrangement creation. The decentralisation reform offers prospects of becoming one of the most successful reforms in Ukraine, popular among citizens, and a precondition of implementing other reforms and developing a powerful and stable state. The newly created hromadas are the best site not only for practicing the decisions, made on the consensus basis but also for contributing to the country social and economic development, as it was proved by the numerous examples of other countries», - the letter reads.

16.09.2020 - 10:35 | Views: 8505
International partners urge the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to consider the bills necessary for decentralisation

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