One can’t change hromadas configuration prior to the election,- the CEC has responded to the MinRegion letter

Proposals to change this or that hromada configuration are coming to the Government from some regions. Taking into consideration the fact that the election process is going on in the country, the MinRegion addressed the Central Election Commission to coordinate resolution drafts concerning changes of hromada centres and territories.

Responding to the MinRegion letter, the CEC emphasized that irreversible election procedures, related to preparing for and holding the local elections, had already started. «The election process has a set of peculiarities, particularly, its being fleeting, its stages being irreversible and impossibility to restart them… The election process is consecutive and can’t be cancelled, stopped or postponed», - the CEC letter reads.

Thus, even if the Government makes a decision about hromada configuration changes, such a decision won’t be able to implement, moreover, it can cause violations of citizens’ rights and local party organisations.

11.09.2020 - 09:28 | Views: 12263
One can’t change hromadas configuration prior to the election,- the CEC has responded to the MinRegion letter


elections CEC amalgamation of hromadas


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