On July, 29 the Association of Ukrainian Cities held the webinar «What should be known about 2020 local elections?», dedicated to the election legislation novelties in terms of the regular elections of local councils deputies and village, settlement and city heads on October, 25, 2020. The event was organised within the PULSE project, fulfilled by the AUC, supported by USAID.
The AUC executive director Oleksandr Slobozhan has claimed that the AUC has prepared the calendar plan of the main events aimed at preparing and holding the regular elections of the local council deputies and village, settlement and city heads on October, 25, 2020 and the election legislation novelties infographics.
"The feature of this year elections is applying the administrative and territorial reform to the election process, causing certain complications. However, we hope that due to our joint efforts we’ll overcome the difficulties, related to new rayons and new hromadas formation", - mentioned Oleksandr Slobozhan.
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