It has never been the case in Ukraine: the Government has approved the basic level administrative arrangement, ensuring the local self-government ubiquity

From now on Ukraine has a new administrative and territorial arrangement of the basic level. 24 regulations on defining the administrative centres and approving AH territories in each region were approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on Friday, June, 12 at its extraordinary meeting. Ukraine had been striving for it for six years, counting from the local self-government reform start or for 29 years since its independence restoration.

The approved documents (from the package of enactments, being necessary for the local self-government and territorial power arrangement reform tasks to be fulfilled) are targeted to fixing within the legal framework (coupled with other laws to be passed within the reform in the near future) the territorial basis, making it possible to finally ensure the local self-government jurisdiction ubiquity within the territory of each formed capable amalgamated hromada.

It was highlighted by the Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda.

12.06.2020 - 15:50 | Views: 51349
It has never been the case in Ukraine: the Government has approved the basic level administrative arrangement, ensuring the local self-government ubiquity

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amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan administrative and territorial structure V.Nehoda


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Vitaliy Sutyk
14.06.2020 - 08:04
депутати відповідних місцевих рад не мають ніяких повноважень. Депутати це спостерігачі за процесом в міській раді. тому вони не є влада. Громада це люди з двору. Підпис під фінансовими документами ставить виключно міський голова без надуманого впливу зі сторони депутатів.
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