Decentralisation for the Crimea: the Ukrainian state project. A public discussion about the administrative and territorial arrangement of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

The Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine jointly with the parliamentary Committee of the State Power Organisation, Local Self-Government, Regional Development and Urban Planning has started working on the draft of the future administrative and territorial arrangement of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The work is being performed within the national reform of the local self-government and territorial organisation, covering the whole territory of Ukraine. Today, on May, 7 there has been held the first public discussion in the videoconference format, involving representatives of all branches of the state power, the authorities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tartar people, public organizations and experts.

According to Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, reforming the administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine as an integral unitary state involves forming a new territorial arrangement of all regions of the state and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

07.05.2020 - 21:38 | Views: 11421
Decentralisation for the Crimea: the Ukrainian state project. A public discussion about the administrative and territorial arrangement of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

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perspective plan amalgamation of hromadas V.Nehoda Vitalii Bezghin


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