The AH Association invites to discuss the draft of the Staff Service Chief professional standard (the HR department head)

The AH Association initiated developing the Staff Service Chief professional standard (the HR department head) for the local council administration.

According to the Order of Professional Standards Development and Approval, as well as the Methodology of Professional Standards Development, the AH Association submitted an application for the above mentioned professional standard development to the Scientific and Research Institute of the Population Labour and Employment of the Ministry of the Social Policy and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Currently the draft, developed by the work group, is being brought for the public discussion.

The Association asks to submit the draft criticism and propositions till June, 8, 2020 to the email address:

05.05.2020 - 10:11 | Views: 6981
The AH Association invites to discuss the draft of the Staff Service Chief professional standard (the HR department head)

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