The Ministry of Education and Science has launched a site about the education key changes, introduced due to the quarantine

All changes in the educational process, introduced due to the quarantine, are available at

Particularly, the site represents information about remote studies, the school academic year completion, this year external independent testing and the enrollment campaign.

«Since the quarantine beginning the Ministry of Education and Science has approved of a lot of administrative decisions for the purpose of adjusting educational processes to the quarantine conditions. Now you can get acquainted with the key information concerning the major changes at the separate resource whereas the detailed information about such changes can be found at the site of the Ministry of Education and Science», – claimed Lyubomyra Mandziy, performing duties of the Minister of Education and Science.

15.04.2020 - 18:37 | Views: 12742
The Ministry of Education and Science has launched a site about the education key changes, introduced due to the quarantine


koronavirus education


Міністерство освіти та науки

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