In Baranivska AH a school co–working produces protection means with the help of a 3D-printer

The COVID-19 pandemic made hromadas search for additional resources to counteract the virus spread. So, in Baranivska AH an interschool co-working has started to produce individual protection means, particularly masks and face shields.

‘We manufactured various souvenirs and household items. AH pupils used to sew, work with equipment, particularly a 3D-printer. Currently pupils are at the quarantine but the hromada needs assistance. That is why we are sewing masks, commissioned by the city council. So far we have produced 250 items. A prototype of a face shield has been manufactured at the co-working. If we find resources to purchase plastics, we’ll produce them’, - informs the Centre head Vasyl Nazarchuk.

03.04.2020 - 16:18 | Views: 7981
In Baranivska AH a school co–working produces protection means with the help of a 3D-printer

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Житомирська область


Баранівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Баранівська територіальна громада


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