Crowd funding to counteract the coronavirus has started in Ukraine

The Patients of Ukraine charity and active patients’ community have launched the site: for the purpose of coordinating the activity of activists, patients, volunteers, businesses and people, willing to assist doctors in fighting the coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease.  

If you are a doctor or the head of a medical establishment in need of help to counteract the coronavirus, fill in the blank:

Businesses, being able to purchase protective clothes, gloves, respirators, goggles and hospital footies for doctors and have an opportunity to buy expensive equipment — artificial ventilation apparatuses and portable X-ray apparatuses, fill in the blank: and volunteers will get in touch with you.

Everybody can donate via the online donate at the site. The money will be spent on purchasing/producing sets of individual protection for doctors. There are separate accounts for companies (legal entities) — fill in the blank: and experts will get in touch with you.

If you want to become a volunteer, fill in the blank —

26.03.2020 - 18:43 | Views: 11770
Crowd funding to counteract the coronavirus has started in Ukraine


koronavirus healthcare


Пацієнти України

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