The Council of Europe review of the practice of administrative supervision over the local self-government activity in certain countries

The Council of Europe programme "Decentralisation and the local self-government reform in Ukraine" has published « The Council of Europe review of the practice of administrative supervision over the local self-government activity in certain countries». The document was prepared by the Centre of Expertise of the Proper Governance of the Department of Democratic  Governance of the Directorate General ІІ – on democratic issues of the Council of Europe  within the Programme « Decentralisation and the local self-government reform in Ukraine» upon request of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine. The document covers the Council of Europe standards of the administrative supervision over the local self-government activity, the relative current regulatory framework and the practice of certain countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


Council of Europe supervision control


Council of Europe

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