Decentralisation: reform vs myths

Author: Vitalii Bezghin, People’s Deputy, 
Chairperson of the Sub-Committee on 
Administrative Organization of 
the Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, 
Local Governance, Regional and 
Urban Development, 
specifically for "Ukrainska Pravda"

A full-scale start-up of decentralisation in Ukraine requires amendments to the Constitution. Reform of decentralisation has been lasting in Ukraine since 2014. It may be said without exaggeration that it is one of the crucial reforms in the country, as long as a new map of the administrative organization, format of relationship between hromadas and the centre, quality and quantity of services, provided to the Ukrainians almost every day, will depend on this reform.

It is not for nothing that both the former government and the current authorities have actively worked on decentralisation at all levels. As the result, above 11.7 million of citizens have already amalgamated into 1029 AHs throughout Ukraine.


Колонка відображає винятково позицію її автора. За достовірність інформації відповідає автор колонки. Точка зору редакції порталу «Децентралізація» може не збігатися з точкою зору автора колонки.
13.01.2020 - 14:14 | Views: 12318
Віталій Безгін

Author: Віталій Безгін


Vitalii Bezghin Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia


Українська правда

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Валерій Дружко
13.01.2020 - 20:56
Реформа децентралізації дійсно найуспішніші реформа в Україні. Але успішною її зробили ті, що повірили в реальні зміни. Зараз нас переконують, що знають, як нам буде краще. Всі асоціації органів місцевого самоврядування намагаються внести корективи в законопроекти на підставі набутого досвіду і їх зауваження необхідно враховувати. В даній реформі турборежим неприпустимий. Ця реформа стосується кожного мешканця України.
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27.01.2020 - 07:45
The opinion of the author is well taken and provides some good points. However, I would be very cautious about changing the Constitution or Basic Law in attempting to over specify the status of local governments. This is often an error that is make by governments who want to perpetuate their view of local governments and the centralization-decentralization balance. Local governments are living entities that change rapidly and frequently and to lock in some specifics may do more harm than good. I am not a supporter of the prefecture system. While it works well in France after a few hundred years it is been disastrous in the transition countries, Romania and Albania being the prime example. Any legal disputes can be raised by a competitive local party system represented on the councils and strong local government associations and the NGOs. Better to have these than a prefect that litigates every action of local government because of some political disputes. Ukraine, in my opinion, has done an excellent job of pursuing decentralization and should continue on this path. No one gets it right the first time, but adapting to changes and reflecting the people's will is the best approach with a bottom-up method and ample fiscal resources. For these see my paper "New Rules for Implementation of Fiscal Decentralization."
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