The second joint statement of the hromadas’ heads and the experts concerning the amendments to the Constitution as regards decentralisation

The hromadas’ heads and the experts have made the second public statement concerning the finalized text of the graft law “The Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding Decentralisation of Power) dated December 27, 2019.

On January 13, 2020, above fifty heads of regional centres, towns, settlements, villages and amalgamated territorial hromadas together with the experts on local self-government and decentralisation of power appealed to the People’s Deputies of Ukraine not to vote for the draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding decentralisation.


The signatories of the joint statement affirm that the Office of the President of Ukraine considered only a part of the remarks added to the first joint statement.

The full text of the second joint statement and the whole list of the signatories thereof are available at the link.

The comment of the expert Yurii Hanushchak on the public statement of the mayors and the experts regarding the draft amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine is available HERE.

All discussions on the draft amendments to the Constitution regarding decentralisation


Constitution Konstytutsiia obhovorennia


Асоціація міст України

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