The accessibility and quality of public services should not be affected by the change in the functions of rayon state administrations, according to Viacheslav Nehoda

According to the Ministry for Communities and Territories' Development of Ukraine's monitoring data, 435 Administrative Service Centres have been opened as part of rayon state administrations. The Ministry of Digital Transformation has reported that next year, 310 of these Public Service Centres are to be managed by local governments, that is, by hromadas.

'Today, me and my colleagues from the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme decide on how to make the process of transformation of rayon state administrations' ASCs into the Administrative Service Centres of hromadas as correct and 'painless' as possible for both residents of these territories and the centres' employees,' Viacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Communities and Territories' Development, said.

The local self-government reform implementation plan provides that in 2020 the functions of district public administrations are to change. In particular, they will not provide public services, as this function will be transferred to hromadas.


17.12.2019 - 18:22 | Views: 18736
The accessibility and quality of public services should not be affected by the change in the functions of rayon state administrations, according to Viacheslav Nehoda

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V.Nehoda Administrative services


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Віталій Козиренко
17.12.2019 - 21:11
Стратегія вірна. Але тактика незрозуміла: вже сьогодні вполовину скорочується чисельність РДА і лише на завтра заплановано подумати що робити з ЦНАП і механізмом його передачі до МС. Шановні стратеги, завтра вже можна йти за досвідом до РДА щодо передачі ЦНАПів до МС, а не висилати інструкції. Інструкції потрібні сьогодні
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