Big challenges of small Pryvilska hromada of Luhansk Oblast

Myroslava Liashenko, head of Pryvilska amalgamated hromada, Luhansk oblast

The preschool teacher Myroslava Liashenko has worked in the kindergarten for 25 years and dedicated all her life to bringing up children. In her native Pryvilska hromada, every household knows her well as she had mentored more than 20 classes of children during her professional career. When the opportunity for amalgamation opened, local citizens trusted Myroslava to take care of their community with no hesitation.

Before the reform of local self-government started, villages of Luhansk oblast district had hardly developed. That is why after her election as the head of Pryvilska amalgamated hromada in 2017, Myroslava Liashenko started with solving the most urgent and painful problems in the community. According to her, in order to raise necessary funds, hromada applied for and scored victory in three regional development projects. The community managed to repair the water tower in the central hromada village. For the last fifty years it had not been renovated even once. Also, Myroslava Liashenkо together with her team are modernizing other village buildings, in particular the one which will accommodate the outpatient clinics, village council and post office under one roof.

“We have taken into consideration our senior citizens’ wishes and decided to place key services in one building. Retired people come here and while some of them are getting injections, others pay for utilities or get assistance from the village council”, - says the head of Pryvilska community. 

Before making any decision, Myroslava Liashenko always considers opinions of various social groups. She believes her community recipe for success lies in lies in accepting different opinions and solving community needs according to their state of urgency.




Луганська область


Привільська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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