Local elections in Ukraine will take place in autumn 2020, – head of Verkhovna Rada

Ukraine's local elections will be held in the autumn of 2020, said Dmytro Razumkov, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, during a working trip to Zaporizhzhia.

According to him, local elections will take place after the completion of decentralisation and adoption of the Electoral Code.

“If we talk about elections in general, they will take place after the decentralisation reform is over – this is the first point. Secondly – after the so-called Electoral Code is adopted. If we talk about the time elections will take place, then by one hundred percent in 2020, most likely in autumn. But I do not exclude the fact that elections on some territories may be held earlier,” said Dmytro Razumkov.

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21.11.2019 - 09:59 | Views: 26904
Local elections in Ukraine will take place in autumn 2020, – head of Verkhovna Rada


elections Dmytro Razumkov



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