ANNOUNCEMENT! Round table on "Modeling Capable Hromada - International and Ukrainian Experience" to be held in Kyiv on 19 November

On 19 November 2019, at noon, the press centre of the Ukrainian Crisis Centre will host a round table on the topic “Modeling Capable Hromada - International and Ukrainian Experience”.

During the roundtable, participants will discuss components and factors of a capable hromada and a complex approach to enhancing their capacity in the light of international experience, they will also consider the development of the local economy as one of the most important factors of a capable hromada. The event will be held under the USAID DOBRE Programme.

Registration of participants is at 12:00. The discussion will last from 12:30 to 14:00 in the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre at the address: 2, Khreshchatyk St., Kyiv city.

On-line broadcast will be on the UCMC Youtube-channel and on the DOBRE Programme Facebook page.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.11.2019 - 15:28 | Views: 7206
ANNOUNCEMENT! Round table on "Modeling Capable Hromada - International and Ukrainian Experience" to be held in Kyiv on 19 November




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