The Central Election Commission reported that in some AHs, where elections were scheduled for 22 and 29 December, election process organisation was at risk of failure. In some municipalities, members of the rayon election commissions evade their duties. Therefore, in some RECs, only about 60% of the commission members exercise their powers. In addition, in some commissions, their management also evades fulfillment of their duties.
Therefore, the CEC appeals to political parties to understand and account for these problems, to re-examine carefully the members of the commissions they have submitted to their composition, and to influence the situation as soon as possible so that the RECs can form relevant territorial and ballot commissions in a timely manner.
In addition, the Commission reminds the members of the election commissions that they are criminally responsible for evading exercise of their duties in accordance with Article 157 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
The CEC also reminds that, according to the calendar plans of the main organisational measures for the preparation and holding of the mentioned elections, the rayon election commissions for local elections are obliged to form (create, change) the composition of village, settlement, city election commissions by 9 and 16 November 2019 respectively. The same rayon election commissions should form ballot commissions for the elections by 6 and 13 December 2019 inclusive respectively.
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