What does Concept of Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine propose regarding decentralisation? (presentation)

In course of the recent weeks in Ukraine there have been debates on future changes to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding decentralisation of power.

On 17 October, for the first time, the Concept of Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine on decentralisation was presented at the meeting of the Donor Board on decentralisation. The essence of the proposed changes was introduced by Oleksandr Korniyenko, MP of Ukraine, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on State Building, Local Governance, Regional and Urban Development. А вже On 23 October, a public discussion of the Concept with local self-government associations was held.

Considering that most of the audience of the decentralization.ua are representatives of local self-government bodies and other participants of the reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power, decentralization.ua publishes a presentation of the Concept of Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the decentralisation of power (DOWNLOAD). Our aim is to involve as many stakeholder representatives as possible in discussion of the proposed changes. And given that more than 120,000 readers visit decentralization.ua every month, we hope that none of them will stay away from this important issue.

07.11.2019 - 15:46 | Views: 18660
What does Concept of Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine propose regarding decentralisation? (presentation)

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Constitution amalgamation of hromadas Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Oleksandr Korniienko


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