Hromadas have support in building capable educational network

Capable educational network formation is among the primary steps to be made by local self-government bodies for the efficient development of education in their hromadas.

The main tasks of forming and functioning of a capable educational network are:

  • ensuring accessibility of quality education to all citizens;
  • ensuring the systematic and continuous provision of educational services (pre-school, general secondary and extracurricular education);
  • efficient use of resources (personnel, infrastructure, financial, logistical ones, etc.).

To assist hromadas, a working group of experts from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, international technical assistance projects: U-LEAD with Europe Programme, Project Office for Sectoral Decentralisation / EDGE and the Swedish-Ukrainian project “Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine”, developed a methodological manual “Criteria for the formation of a capable educational network in AH” (DOWNLOAD).

The manual includes:

  • a list and description of the criteria, performance indicators and recommendations for their application, which will enable AHs to develop options and scenarios for the establishment of capable networks of educational institutions, in particular taking into account the possibilities of creating, integrating, reorganising and respecialising educational institutions, modernising them, etc.;
  • legislative justification of the proposed criteria with reference to regulatory acts;
  • examples of how each of the criteria is applied today in LSG bodies of AHs;
  • a list of useful resources on education management at the local level.

The expert working group has also developed an interactive training seminar “Criteria for the formation of a capable educational network in AH”, where participants receive not only knowledge of a comprehensive approach to creating capable educational networks, but also develop solutions to problems and complex issues in the format of an interactive laboratory of “U-LEAD EduLab – capable educational network from A to Z”.

More than 30 such trainings have already been held for AHs.

On 8-9 October, a regular seminar was held in Lviv for representatives of the educational authorities of the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Khmelnytskyi, Zhytomyr, Ternopil, Poltava and Zakarpattia Oblasts.

For the first time such training was held with participation of a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science.

Interactive trainings-seminars “Criteria for the formation of a capable educational network” are supported by the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

16.10.2019 - 11:44 | Views: 11022

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